Empowering Every Student’s Potential
Our Learning Support Department communicates with everyone likely to teach or be in contact with our SEND students to ensure they have the necessary provision in place.
We are committed to a policy of inclusion, equal opportunity and, where reasonable, follow best practice as outlined in the statutory guidelines on Special Education Needs and Disabilities, in particular the SEN and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years 2015 (SEND Code 2015) and the Children and Families Act 2014.
Prep SEND Staff
The point of contact for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the Preparatory School is the Head of Learning Support and SENDCo 3-11, Mrs Sarah McConnaughie: mcconnaughies@brentwood.essex.sch or 01277 243 333 ex 611.
Senior SEND Staff
The point of contact for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the Senior School is the Head of Learning Support and SENDCo 11-18, Miss Rose Coates: ROC@brentwood.essex.sch.uk or 01277 243307.
The SENDCo reports to the Senior Deputy Head (Pastoral), Mrs Nicola Jenkin, and confers with the Deputy Head (Academic), Mr Jonathan Barfield Moore. The overall responsibility for Special Education Needs and Disabilities is with the Headmaster.
Inclusive Education
We aim to support students within our capacity and the facilities available.
In discussion with you, we will be able to explain the realistic and appropriate provision we can put in place to support your child.
At Brentwood, we have students with SEND including:
Local Offer
Within the school we work with two Educational Psychologists who can screen for and diagnose Dyslexia amongst other learning difficulties: Sarah Meredith London Dyslexia Network Ltd and Rosalind Owens Independent Dyslexia Consultant.
We also work closely with SNAP (situated in Warley) and numerous external agencies and professionals to best help us support our students. The Local Offer for Essex is linked below.