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Admissions > Fees


Listed below are all of our fees for each part of the School for Lent and Trinity Terms 2025.

Our aim, when setting our fees from January 2025 (in light of the government’s decision to impose VAT), has been to balance continued investment in our pupils’ education with a recognition of the sacrifices many parents make to send their children to Brentwood.

In addition to restraining increases in September 2024 (to around half of the sector average), we have cut fees from January 2025 by 5.12% in order to soften the impact of VAT on parents.

The government has indicated that Foundation Year fees and wrap-around care charges will be exempt from VAT.

Schedule of Fees for Lent and Trinity Terms 2025

Termly School FeesVAT StatusFees inclusive of VAT
Foundation Year FeesExempt£6,216.00
Preparatory School Tuition FeesStandard£7,077.00
Senior School Tuition FeesStandard£9,264.00
Board & LodgingStandard£8,889.00
Full Boarding (Tuition Fees plus Board & Lodging)Standard£18,153.00

To provide clarity for families, Brentwood School is pleased to confirm that the total fee for boarders for the 2025-26 academic year has been fixed at a modest 3.5% increase on the January 2025 fee. The annual boarding fee for 2025-26 will therefore be £56,365.

We are extremely happy with the School which has exceeded all our expectations, James has made an excellent transition and we are delighted with the progress he has already made.

Year 7 Parent

Our fees include:

  • Lunches
  • Resources
  • Enrichment activities, excluding optional trips

Fees are due for payment on or before the first day of term.

A monthly payment scheme is available via School Fee Plan (SFP)

School Fee Plan

Specified Charges

The following items are charged as supplemental to the Fees:

  • A £1,250 deposit (inclusive of VAT) is payable on acceptance of a place in the Senior School.
  • A £600 deposit (inclusive of VAT) is payable on acceptance of a place in the Prep School.
  • The cost of entry for public examinations is charged separately to the Fees.
  • A charge will be made for specialist tuition provided as part of an Academy (Fencing, Tennis, Cricket, Chess, Dance, Skiing).
  • MacBooks, iPads and books are issued on loan – a charge will be made if they are damaged, lost or not returned by the due date.
  • For certain subjects, students may be advised of additional costs or trips specifically related to the course; the cost of these items will be charged on the termly fee account.
  • For students requiring visa sponsorship to attend Brentwood School, an annual fee of £450 covers the cost of the school’s ongoing visa compliance obligations.

Having had two children progress through the School I particularly value the Brentwood Preparatory philosophy of nurturing each child as an individual.


Foundation Year (3+)

Where children in Foundation attend initially on an agreed part-time basis as set out in offer letters, the fees will be charged on a pro rata basis. We will accept legacy workplace Child Care Vouchers, providing that this has been agreed in advance with the Fees Office. We do not accept payments under the Tax-Free Childcare scheme.

For all children in the Prep School, including those in the Foundation Year, we offer the option of Wraparound from 7.30am to 6pm during term time.

Wraparound Care

Surcharge for Late Payment

Our Terms and Conditions require that fee payments in respect of School invoices must reach the School’s Fees Bursary’s bank account by the first day of each term and should be settled by direct debit. Any payment after this date is a late payment and we may charge interest to you on the overdue amount at the rate of 1.5% per month until payment of the overdue amount.

in numbers

Acres of playing fields and gardens surrounding the School
Pupils enjoy access to our state-of-the-art facilities
Maximum class size at the Prep School