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Welcome To Prep

At Brentwood Preparatory School, we provide a nurturing and creative environment for children to embark on their journey into education.

A Warm Welcome from our Prep Head

From the age of three, we welcome children into a community that is small enough to feel secure but large enough to offer a huge breadth of experiences. It is in these fledgling years that children begin to investigate the world with great expectation, interest and energy. We are perfectly placed to show them the world is full of adventures waiting to begin.

At the heart of our curriculum is the belief that through playful exploration children can become scientists, historians, authors, athletes, artists and so much more. That with the right guidance and opportunities, they can in time have a positive impact on the world around them.

A Positive Start that Shapes Futures

Visitors often remark about the genuine warmth they find on their visits and I believe it is the most important attribute of our success. As we all know, the simple truth is – happy children learn best – so we focus on giving our pupils a positive start in their education; a positive beginning that will influence the rest of their lives.

I encourage you to find time to come and discover this for yourself.

– Alice Goodfellow, Prep Head

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Fostering Confidence

Our pupils are encouraged to develop their own ideas. Whether they are taking part in the School Council or joining one of the many clubs, sports or drama activities they soon develop a sense of responsibility. They learn to care about their work and to value their contribution to the wider school community.

Academically, our pupils are high achievers and our curriculum is inclusive. We encourage all pupils to have the confidence to stretch themselves, to celebrate their achievements and to be generous about the success of others.


Having had two children progress through the School I particularly value the Brentwood Preparatory philosophy of nurturing each child as an individual.

Prep Parent

Supportive & Caring Staff

Our staff teach with great energy, flair and sensitivity and because we keep class sizes small, our Form teachers get to know their pupils well.

Our Nurses and the Chaplain play central roles in taking care of the children and the House system enables each pupil to build relationships with older peers. What this means is that across the school there is always a listening ear or a helping hand around whenever a pupil needs it.


Much has changed since 1892, but our motto of Virtue, Learning and Manners remains and you will see that in droves when you visit us.

Alice Goodfellow
Head of Prep

The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) has over 660 IAPS schools worldwide representing the very best in Prep School education. We are an IAPS member and you can find us on the IAPS website here.

Find out more about Brentwood Prep in our Prospectus below. And if you like what you read, come and visit us. You will receive a warm welcome.


in numbers

Co-Ed Independent Prep School
Prep School development means we are one of the best-resourced schools in the country
Acres of playing fields where our pupils enjoy a variety of sports, led by specialist teachers and coaches