A Dedicated Team for Student Wellbeing
Our Deputy Head (Pastoral) leads a close team comprising of Directors of Pastoral Care and Wellbeing, Heads of Year, Form Tutors, Pastoral Mentors, our Chaplain, our School Nurse and Assistant School Nurse, all of whom play central roles in taking care of the children and we make sure there is a listening ear or a helping hand around whenever they need it.
Together, we support the wellbeing of all our students, enabling each student to thrive in a kind, caring and inclusive community.
Nurturing a Supportive Community
Our pupils’ wellbeing is the foundation for a successful education and we encourage their sense of belonging by letting them know that their contributions are extremely valuable in making Brentwood Prep a vibrant, friendly place.
Our Wellbeing Programme supports the pastoral system and strengthens School aims, especially regarding relationships within the School community.
Useful Documents
Life Skills & Wellbeing
Our Wellbeing programme aims to help our pupils develop their social, communication and problem-solving skills, which will help to support a variety of subjects such as Maths, DT, English and Drama and helps to raise confidence levels by providing information relevant to their needs.
Prep pupils also look at some wellbeing and PSHE topics to support their personal development. First Aid will also be included in Year 5 and this will support their understanding of how to keep themselves and others safe, which is part of the PSHE curriculum.
Wellbeing Dogs
We have three dedicated wellbeing dogs at the Prep School that contribute to our students’ cognitive, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Visiting and interacting with our dogs offers comfort and relaxation away from the usual school environment.
Of course, not all people are comfortable with dogs, so we ask parents to complete a form to indicate their preferences regarding contact.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Preparatory School
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
If, at any stage, you have a concern about your child, please contact your child’s class teacher or Head of Year.
For more serious issues and safeguarding matters, please contact Mrs Trowell, Deputy Head (Pastoral) or Mrs Townsend, Director of EYFS.
Contact the Safeguarding Team
If you wish to contact a member of the safeguarding team, please use our online form: