Flexibility and Choice
We believe in developing broad horizons and keeping a wide subject base for as long as possible to emphasise depth of understanding and creative thinking.
In the Sixth Form, we are flexible and can support most combinations of options to suit your strengths or areas of interest because we design the timetable around your choices.
We offer A Levels, IB or BTEC
We have virtually no restrictions on subject combinations and offer 26 different subject choices at A Level.
We are proud to be a top 10 UK IB School and offer the Pre-IB pathway for high-achieving ambitious students.
We also offer the BTEC National Extended Diploma, a specialist pathway in Sport or Business with an emphasis on vocational skills and ongoing assessment.
Whether you decide to follow A Levels, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or the BTEC Extended Diploma, we are here to help you achieve your very best.
A Levels
International Baccalaureate
BTEC Extended Diploma

An Education for Tomorrow
We provide a broad range of subjects taught by inspiring and focused teachers in a stimulating environment. Our Sixth Form classes are mixed to prepare our students for the world after school.
Teachers at Brentwood School are experts in their fields and teaching groups are small, so you have plenty of opportunities to explore subjects in depth, offer reasoned opinions and share informed ideas.
Academic Progress is carefully monitored and individual student reflections develop independence and resilience – manifesting itself in the excellent results our students achieve year on year.
Our commitment to you goes way beyond the Sixth Form and starting work. It is lifelong.

Cultivating Self-Motivation
Academic success in the Sixth Form level involves 20 hours of independent study each week and developing self-motivation is a big part of being a student at Brentwood.
We support your progress very closely with formal assessments of effort and achievement, student reflections or teacher reports issued every half term. These are shared with your parents, and we recognise and reward students’ achievements and progress
Stepping out into the hot lights on the stage in the Memorial Hall at Brentwood was one of the most intense experiences of my early life. I learnt a lot more than I ever understood. But I think I liked it.
Student life centres around a purpose-built Sixth Form building and adjoining teaching space, where there are state-of-the-art classrooms and computer suites and an impressive Auditorium seating 400 people. These sit alongside common rooms, private study areas and spaces where you can relax.
At the same time, you benefit from being part of the whole School with access to the Bean Academic Centre as well as a huge range of clubs, societies and co-curricular activities that are on offer.