
Bursaries & Scholarships

Brentwood School offers a range of means-tested bursaries and scholarships at Year 7 (11+) and Year 12 (16+). The vast majority of the School's funds is attributed to means-tested bursaries to encourage families who would otherwise not be able to afford a Brentwood School education to be able to benefit from one.

To apply for a means tested-bursary or scholarship you will first need to register for a place here at Brentwood. When you register, you will need to indicate on the online registration form if you wish to apply for a means-tested bursary and/or scholarship(s). The relevant scholarship application form(s) will then appear on your checklist within the admissions portal and be available up to the registration deadline of 1st November, and if you wish to apply for a specialist scholarship, you will be asked to select which specialist scholarships you wish to apply for and these scholarship forms will appear on your individual applicant portal throughout the process.

Means-Tested Bursaries

Each year, we offer a number of transformational means-tested Bursaries at 11+ and 16+ to bright, deserving students who would benefit from a Brentwood education but whose parents or guardians cannot afford the full fees. This is in accordance with the School’s charitable purpose.

Parents who wish to apply for a bursary will be asked by the School to complete a Confidential Statement of Financial Circumstances form. The form is confidential and requires full information about the family’s financial circumstances, with supporting documentation. The school uses an independent company, Bursary Administration Ltd (BAL), to review and assess bursary applications.  

All students must have performed exceptionally well in either the academic or specialist scholarship routes in order to be considered for a bursary.

Bursaries Policy | PDF (189KB)

Brentwood School is a proud member of The London Fee Assistance Consortium (LFAC) and supports the group's ongoing ambition to raise awareness of the financial support available to students hoping to attend one of the top schools in and around London. 

Academic Scholarships

An Academic Scholar at Brentwood School is expected to perform at a high level academically throughout their school career. In addition, they are expected to get involved with a range of academic enrichment activities which encourage further critical thinking, such as the Junior Colloquium debating society, the Headmaster's Award, and academic subject weeks. These activities are not exclusive to scholars and all students are encouraged to join. Our Heads of Academic Enrichment monitor scholars as they progress through the school.

For entry at 11+ (Year 7) The top-performing students in the Entrance Examination will be considered for an Academic Scholarship. All students sitting the entrance examination are automatically entered, therefore parents do not need to apply.

For entry at 16+ (Year 12) Candidates wishing to apply for an Academic Scholarship at Sixth Form can indicate this on their application and will be invited to submit an essay from a choice of subjects. The essay titles will be sent in early November and must be submitted in early December. Sixth Form Consultation Interviews will be held in November and December. We will also request recent school grade sheets or reports, the results from Mock GCSE examinations, a reference from the current school, and predicted GCSE grades to inform our decision. An Academic Scholarship at Sixth Form will then be conditional on candidates receiving 64 points from their 8 best GCSEs.

Specialist Scholarships

Our specialist scholarships recognise academic potential as well as specialist talents in the areas of:

11+ (Year 7)
Chess, Dance, Drama, Music (including singing) and Sport. Candidates can apply for up to three specialist scholarships.

16+ (Year 12, Sixth Form)
Art, Dance, Drama, Music (including singing) and Sport.  Candidates can apply for up to two specialist scholarships. 

Specialist scholarships attract a fee reduction of up to 10% of school fees.

Art: Specialist Sixth Form Scholarship

We aim to encourage students to appreciate art and create it for themselves. We want as many students as possible to take part in and enjoy artistic activities, as well as have opportunities for excellence if they are particularly talented.

The Art Department is located in the Hardy Amies Design Centre, named after the Queen’s costume designer who was a former student at the School. We have a large and well-equipped sculpture studio on the ground floor with a Photography studio, darkroom and IT suite as well as three kilns, glaze room and a range of printmaking equipment. Upstairs, there are two large and airy open-plan art studios with four teaching areas and a multimedia resources room complete with computers, a colour laser printer and scanners.

An annual residential trip for our A Level/IB Diploma students keeps students enthusiastic and motivated; recent visits have included Venice and Barcelona, with further destinations afield in the planning. We also run weekly after-school art clubs and hold annual art exhibitions showcasing the very best of our students' work.

Application Process

All those interested in applying for an Art Scholarship will be required to complete the Art Scholarship application form before the deadline.

16+ Art Scholarship Assessment Day: December 2024

A grade 8 minimum at GCSE is required, but ideally, a grade 9. A portfolio submission is required and the work will form the basis of an informal interview. Candidates should give an individual presentation of their portfolio at this interview.
Portfolio (most likely digital and can include links to Instagram/Flickr) to include evidence of: 

  • Recording - technical/skill across a range of media e.g. paint, pencil, photography, print, 3D, etc. & written annotation e.g. writing about project work/justifying intentions
  • Experimentation & Refinement - proof of 'trial and error' with any process e.g. evidence of improving at painting
  • Research - evidence of appropriate contextual & cultural references to personal project work e.g artists, found sources, connections to people/places/times/cultures, etc.
  • Development - ability to travel with a chosen idea for a sustained period of time (avoidance of jumping from one process/technique to another without a conceptual thread tying it all together)
  • Outcomes - evidence of at least three completed resolutions (what would you put in a gallery if you were able?)

A minimum of 12 slides (maximum of 25) in any format - pdf, Google Slides, PowerPoint, etc. with links to any outside sites (beyond GCSE or equivalent qualification) that showcases engagement with creative practice/ability.

Any enquiries should be made to the Head of Art, Mr Chris Lonsdale, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Art facilities. 

Chess: Specialist Year 7 Scholarship

The many benefits of chess are well established. As a sport, a science and an art with 1500 years of history, it is not only tremendous fun to play but has been proven to develop problem-solving and risk-assessment skills and concentration among much else.

Our Chess scholars are applying to join a school where chess is a mainstream sporting and social activity. House Chess attracts up to 150 players while the Year 7 chess club alone in 2023 had over 90 members.

We have also enjoyed success at National Level. In 2023, Brentwood came 2nd in the National Finals of the English Chess Federation Junior Team Challenge (for Year 7 and 8 students) and 6th in the ECF Under 19 National School Championship Finals (which we qualified for as East Anglian Champions).

Our group and individual coaching is led by International Master Richard Pert (whose children attend the school). Richard Pert and Head of Chess Robin Slade offer coaching and support to our students when they attend individual tournaments like the London Junior Chess Championships as well as team events.

Along with representing Brentwood School in our varied physical and online competitions, our scholars play a key role in promoting chess at events like Open Day and encouraging and coaching their fellow students in their chess.

Led by the scholars, students of all ages share their chess skills and games within our chess clubs and coaching sessions, gaining valuable experience in planning and presenting learning material to a group.

Brentwood School is proud of its record of promoting junior chess within Essex, running events in partnership with the English Chess Federation, Essex Junior Chess Association and She Plays To Win.

Application Process

All those interested in applying for a Chess Scholarship will be required to complete the Chess Scholarship application form before the deadline. The ideal candidates will be strong chess players themselves but also have the ability to actively promote chess and encourage their fellow students to take part in our various clubs and competitions.

11+ Chess Scholarship Tournament: 4th January 2025

All registered players will be invited to play in the online Chess Scholarship Tournament. From this, a shortlist of 4 to 8 candidates will emerge. Candidates will only be invited to the next stage if they perform very well in the Entrance Examination.

11+ Formal Selection Tournament: 11th January 2025

The successful shortlisted candidates will come into Brentwood School for a morning’s chess which will include an in-person tournament. This will decide the final scholarship winners. Group chess work will also be part of the scholarship assessment process.

Any enquiries about Chess scholarships can be made to the Admissions Team.

Dance: Specialist Year 7 & Sixth Form Scholarship

At Brentwood, we are proud to have a thriving Dance Department offering not only academic study of Dance but also a wide array of co-curricular Dance opportunities for all ages and abilities.

Dance is taught throughout the Senior School and at every level, students have the opportunity to perform in Informal Showcases, Dance Shows and Musicals. Dance Academy classes are also available for all age groups.

During Year 7 and 8, students enjoy an average of one lesson per fortnight, which rises to three a fortnight in Year 9. Students participate in a wide variety of dance activities in solo, paired and group settings. In addition to intensive dance training, this programme provides students with a robust learning environment and cross-disciplinary education, enabling students to develop socially whilst promoting creativity, fitness and well-being. As students become performers, they will also develop their confidence, self-esteem and collaboration skills. As they move further up the School they will also train in a broad range of contemporary dance practices and gain an insight into dance histories and contexts. Recently, Brentwood students have been accepted by prestigious Dance institutions such as English National Ballet, Doreen Birds College, Tring Park School for Performing Arts and Performers College.

Each year the Performing Arts Department stages a Lower School Performing Arts Showcase and the Dance Department choreographs productions at Sixth Form, Middle School and Junior School levels, affording every child a chance to participate as they proceed through the School. Recent productions have, as always, been very varied and have included Les Miserables, Chicago, FAME, Sister Act, West Side Story and Peter Pan.

At Brentwood, we are extremely fortunate in having three dance spaces ideally suited to a range of productions, including three fully-equipped dance studios, extensive classroom rehearsal space, IT facilities, and a proscenium arch stage in the Memorial Hall and the Wessex Auditorium.

Application Process


All those interested in applying for a Dance Scholarship will be required to complete the Dance Scholarship application form before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in the Dance Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Your submission should include evidence of an individual solo performance. Please ensure you label the video "Dance - Student First Name - Student Last Name".

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, applicants will be shortlisted to come in for an assessment day in January 2025, which will include a dance class and a solo performance of their choice.

Any enquiries should be made to the Director of Pupil Wellbeing and Head of Dance, Mrs Michelle Carabache, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Dance facilities.


All those interested in applying for a Dance Scholarship will be required to complete the Dance Scholarship application form before the deadline. Membership of a significant Dance programme is required eg ENB, RAD, Summer programmes at Laban, Performers, Birds, Masters, etc.

Once you have filled in the Dance Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Your submission should include evidence of solo and group performances. Please ensure you label the video "Dance - Student First Name - Student Last Name".

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, applicants will be shortlisted to come in for an assessment day in December 2024, which will include an interview and a live solo performance.

Any enquiries should be made to the Director of Pupil Wellbeing and Head of Dance, Mrs Michelle Carabache, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Dance facilities.

Drama: Specialist Year 7 & Sixth Form Scholarship

Drama is taught throughout the Senior School and at every level, students have the opportunity to be a part of at least two shows we stage a year which includes plays, showcases and musicals. LAMDA classes are also available for all age groups and are taught throughout the School week.

During Years 7 and 8, students enjoy a lesson a week, which rises to three a fortnight in Year 9. Students participate in a wide variety of activities in solo, paired and group settings. They are encouraged to grow in confidence, work effectively as part of a group and acquire a range of fundamental theatrical skills. We visit the theatre four to five times a term, with all age groups. Many of our Year 9 students elect to continue this subject at GCSE Level with record numbers taking this route and our results are consistently impressive. Those who opt for this popular course will devise their own drama performance, develop a portfolio about it, perform a section from a scripted play and sit a written exam on a text they have studied as well as a piece of live theatre they have seen.

Our Sixth Form A Level and IB Diploma students also gain outstanding results and often choose to continue studying the subject (singly or in combination with another subject such as English) at university level. Recently, a number of our students have been accepted by prestigious Drama schools such as Central School of Speech and Drama and LAMDA as well as Cambridge University to read History and we have a number of Oxbridge candidates currently heavily involved with the subject.

Each year the Drama Department stages five major productions at Sixth Form, Middle School and Junior School levels, affording every child a chance to participate as they proceed through the School. Recent productions have, as always, been very varied and have included Guys and Dolls, Sister Act, Les Miserables, Jungle Book, Our Country’s Good, The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The Sweeney Todd Rock’n’Roll Show and we are looking ahead to the Senior Musical followed by a Junior Musical in the summer. Each year Year 10 perform as part of the Coram Shakespeare Schools Festival. We feel that we are the leading Arts school in the region and this is evidenced by not only the quality of our output but by the quantity of students who contribute to our extensive programme.

Application Process


All those interested in applying for a Drama Scholarship will be required to complete the Drama Scholarship application form on our Admissions portal before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in Drama Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video of ONE of the monologues listed to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Costumes and props are not compulsory but may help with characterisation. We are looking for children with an outstanding aptitude for solo performance and, later, collaborative creativity. Vocal and physical skills will be nuanced and advanced.

Please ensure you label the video "Drama - Student First Name - Student Last Name". 

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, successful applicants will be shortlisted to come in for a Scholarship Workshop in January 2025.

Any enquiries should be made to the Head of Drama, Mrs Sophie Hermosa, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Drama facilities.


All those interested in applying for a Drama Scholarship will be required to complete the Drama Scholarship application form before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in the Drama Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video of 60-90 seconds long to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. The video audition must be a performance from a published, professional play and delivered with the whole body in the frame. Costumes and props are not compulsory but may help with characterisation. We are looking for children with an outstanding aptitude for solo performance and, later, collaborative creativity. Vocal and physical skills will be nuanced and advanced.

Please ensure you label the video "Drama - Student First Name - Student Last Name". 

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, successful applicants will be shortlisted to come in for a Scholarship Workshop in December 2024.

A successful scholar should be an experienced performer who has a wealth of performing in multiple settings. Although being at such a standard is advised, it is not the defining aspect of the application process. Rather, we are looking for young performers with potential, a love for theatre, and therefore, the capacity to contribute to and further the successes of our already thriving department. Drama scholar students will be expected to prioritise Drama above other co-curricular commitments. Being a Drama scholar is a truly wonderful educational experience, but it must be said that it requires dedication, passion and hard work.

Any enquiries should be made to the Head of Drama, Mrs Sophie Hermosa, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Drama facilities.

Music: Specialist Year 7 & Sixth Form Scholarship

Brentwood School is proud to be recognised as one of the leading music specialist schools in the independent sector, with a reputation for musical excellence, inclusivity and enjoyment. At the very heart of the Music Department is the ethos that music is for every child and the feeling that we are a family who work hard, who help each other and revel in achieving the impossible.

The Music Department holds an annual performance schedule of over 60 concerts, recitals, chapel services, musicals and international tours and we are very proud of the diversity and breadth of opportunity awarded to our musicians. Each week there are over 40 rehearsals for our choirs, orchestras, bands and chamber ensembles, all catered to different musical abilities and all with opportunities to perform in regular concerts.

We also specialise in student-led music-making and many ensembles and choirs are led, rehearsed and conducted by students within the School, which provides the perfect opportunity for demonstrating leadership, resilience and musical development.

Every year we are pleased to see musicians leaving Brentwood School to attend the top universities and conservatoires in the world to read music and follow in the footsteps of many of our past students, who are already successful professional musicians.

Brentwood School is truly dedicated to providing a first-class musical education as can be seen in three major recent developments.

Firstly, we became an official Steinway School in November 2019, taking delivery of 11 new Steinway pianos and beginning a formal partnership with the makers of the finest pianos in the world. These pianos allow our students to perform on the very best instruments, as well as a range of other opportunities for masterclasses and performance.

Secondly, we launched a fully-funded endangered instrument scheme, to allow more students the opportunity to trial and experiment with new and exciting instruments.

Finally, we have become a partnership school with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, one of the finest musical institutions in the world, who will be supporting our work and giving our musicians another pathway to success.

Application Criteria

All those interested in applying for a Music Scholarship will be required to complete the application form by the closing date. On this form, we will expect to see evidence of attainment of around a Grade 4 standard (for 11+) and Grade 8 standard (for 16+)  in the main instrument offered, with attached references from instrumental teachers. A performance on a second instrument or voice is not essential but will be gratefully received, if applicable. We will also be interested to read about other instruments played (or singing/theory exams taken). To avoid disappointment, candidates who do not meet these criteria are advised not to apply.

Application Process


All those interested in applying for a Music Scholarship will be required to complete the Music Scholarship application form on our Admissions portal before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in Music Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Your submission should show the applicant performing. The video should demonstrate the applicants performing ability on their chosen instrument/voice and should include the student in full shot. The quality of the audio or video recording will not be taken into account. 

Please ensure you label the video "Music- Student First Name - Student Last Name". 

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, applicants will be shortlisted to come in for individual auditions in January 2025 with the music department staff, where they will be asked to perform, to complete basic aural tests, and to talk about musical interests and experiences.

Any enquiries should be made to the Director of Music, Mr Florian Cooper, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Music facilities.


All those interested in applying for a Music Scholarship will be required to complete the Music Scholarship application form on our Admissions portal before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in Music Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Your submission should show the applicant performing. The video should demonstrate the applicants performing ability on their chosen instrument/voice and should include the student in full shot. The quality of the audio or video recording will not be taken into account. 

Please ensure you label the video "Music- Student First Name - Student Last Name". 

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, applicants will be shortlisted to come in for individual auditions in December 2024 with the music department staff, where they will be asked to perform, to complete basic aural tests and to talk about musical interests and experiences.

Any enquiries should be made to the Director of Music, Mr Florian Cooper, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Music facilities.

Sport: Specialist Year 7 & Sixth Form Scholarship

Brentwood School enjoys a strong sporting tradition and an excellent national reputation across a variety of sports. The purpose of our scholarship scheme in sport is to attract the best young sportsmen and women in the local area and beyond.

We have a wide range of excellent sporting facilities, including a double sports hall, gymnasium, 25m indoor swimming pool, fitness suite, four glass-backed squash courts, full size floodlit all-weather pitch, netball and tennis courts, athletics track, fencing salle, dance studios, 14 football and rugby pitches, and first-class cricket squares. Our School was one of only three independent schools in the UK to be used as an official London Olympic 2012 training venue.

The Sport Department has a very successful track record in academic courses including GCSE PE, A Level PE and BTEC Sport (Level 3 extended diploma). Our 2022 BTEC cohort all achieved distinction outcomes and were offered their first choice university at some of the leading sporting institutions. 

A diverse range of co-curricular activities extends the students’ experience and it is usual for Brentwood School teams to tour within the UK and abroad. Recent tours have included South Africa, Barbados and Portugal. Our teams perform in a variety of local, regional and national competitions and we frequently have students gaining representative honours. Recent achievements include students representing England for U19 Athletics, U17 and U19 Cricket, U17 Football (including six players signing professional contracts in the past six years), U18 rugby (including a player signing a professional contract with Saracens RFC), U19 Netball,  U16 Hockey, U19 Water Polo and Great Britain at Fencing.

11 + applicants: We are looking to identify students who can excel in a range of different sports, so an understanding of the sports that we offer at Brentwood should be noted. Whilst certain sports have different pathways, evidence of county or regional representation in the chosen sports is expected. 

16+ applicants: Evidence of regional or national representation in the chosen sport is expected, and applicants should expect to make a significant contribution to our Saturday programme, notably in either cricket, football, hockey, netball, rugby and tennis. 

To avoid disappointment, you are advised not to apply if you are unable to evidence the above.

Application Process


All those interested in applying for a Sports Scholarship will be required to complete the Sports Scholarship application form on our Admissions portal before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in the Sports Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Your submission should show the applicant taking part in the chosen sport or sports.

Please ensure you label the video "Sport - Student First Name - Student Last Name". 

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, applicants will be shortlisted to come into School for an assessment day in December 2024. (The date will be communicated with parents in good time)

Any enquiries should be made to the Director of Sport, Mr Neil Gamester, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Sports facilities.


All those interested in applying for a Sports Scholarship will be required to complete the Sports Scholarship application form on our Admissions portal before the deadline. 

Once you have filled in the Sports Scholarship application form, please also upload a supporting video to your Admissions profile. You can do this in the 'files' section. Your submission should show the applicant taking part in the chosen sport or sports.

Please ensure you label the video "Sport - Student First Name - Student Last Name". 

Following receipt of the application form and video submission, applicants will be shortlisted to come in for an assessment day in December 2024

Any enquiries should be made to the Director of Sport, Mr Neil Gamester, who will be pleased to speak to parents to answer questions about our Sports facilities.

The scholarship programme rewards students who have a talent and an ongoing passion for their subjects. Understandably, we do expect more from our scholars and look for them to act as role models and to remain committed to their subjects throughout their time at the school. Each scholar will have annual review meetings with the relevant Head of Department to ensure the student is progressing through the school in a proactive and productive manner. If a student's commitment to their scholarship becomes negligible, then it may be that the scholarship is rescinded. 

Click below to see what scholars can expect when they join us, and what we will expect from them!

Conditions of Award

Offer Timeline

  • January: Offer decisions communicated.
  • February: Outcomes of awards for shortlisted bursary and scholarship candidates.

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