

Boarding at Brentwood School

We offer full and weekly boarding for 13 to 18-year-olds in comfortable houses where experienced houseparents ensure the best possible care for all the boarders.

The School benefits hugely from our boarders’ rich mixture of backgrounds - we are a truly international community.

Mill Hill and Hough House are our girls’ and boys’ boarding houses. They are set within Brentwood School’s site close to the town and only 23 minutes from central London. Both houses overlook our extensive playing fields, and the atmosphere is peaceful and friendly. The wellbeing of our boarders is paramount, so we make sure their home-from-home environment is maintained to provide comfort and security.

New Boarding House

As boarding is such an integral part of the School, we are proud to announce that we will be transforming our boarding facilities by building a new state-of-the-art purpose-built boarding house. 

The project, which has been years in the planning, will be subdivided into three main sections; a girls' and boys' boarding house and a central shared facility including new dining and communal areas and an outdoor courtyard and dedicated landscaped social space. Find out more here!

International Boarding International Boarding
Mill Hill Life Mill Hill Life
Hough Life Hough Life
Academic Overview Academic Overview
Co-Curricular Co-Curricular
Pastoral Care & Wellbeing Pastoral Care & Wellbeing
Food at Brentwood Food at Brentwood
Term Dates Term Dates
Facilities & Virtual Tour Facilities & Virtual Tour
How to find us How to find us

Our pastoral care is outstanding and the safety of our students is our highest priority, we have an excellent team in place to support each young person individually. The level of care in our boarding houses was highly praised in a recent independent boarding inspection assessing National Child Care standards. Please click here to view the full inspection report. 

Academically, we believe in developing broad horizons, so keep a wide subject base for as long as possible. At Sixth Form level, we have virtually no restrictions on subject combinations. Alongside diverse and challenging A Level subjects, we offer the International Baccalaureate, which fosters internationalism as well as academic rigour. Brentwood School is a top UK IB School (Small Cohort) and offers the Prep-IB pathway for high-achieving ambitious students.

Our boarders enhance the warmth and diversity of our School community, and they participate fully in all aspects of it. Boarders have access to the School’s sports facilities seven days a week as well as the opportunity to participate in inter-House competitions and other co-curricular activities. We offer an exceptional inclusive programme of co-curricular and enrichment activities with a wide and diverse selection of trips, societies and clubs available including our Tennis AcademyEquestrian Team, Chess Club, Fencing Club and Football Academy.

Our students can take part in competitive and recreational sports (we were ranked 17th in School Sport Magazine’s ‘Top 20 Sporting Schools 2022), musical activities (we are a Steinway School and have a partnership with the Guildhall School of Music), drama groups and productions, public speaking and Model United Nations, STEAM and much more. There is something for everyone.

Housemasters and Housemistresses make sure there is also a wide range of activities on offer for boarders in the evenings and at weekends. In the past, boarders have enjoyed weekends in the Peak District, visits to Theme Parks and shows in London’s West End. Our Christmas celebrations include a shopping trip and a formal dinner.

Weekly boarding is an option that offers great flexibility to students who wish to board during the week and return home at weekends. Full boarding fees still apply to weekly boarding students. Weekly boarders can focus on school activities during the week and enjoy time with their family at weekends and is particularly popular for those students whose parents are both working or for those who have a long commute to school. All meals and laundry services are included and students may choose to stay at the boarding houses over the weekend if they want to get involved in co-curricular activities or simply spend quiet time studying.

Weekend Activity Programme

Here at Brentwood, we offer our boarding pupils a wide range of activities. We believe in the merits of a mixed weekend program, from the larger trips - where all pupils join us to embed a sense of community within each house - to smaller trips, such as visiting the opera, ballet or some of the numerous London attractions (that are less than half an hour away by train), paintballing, escape rooms, the cinema and local restaurants.

Our boarders also have the opportunity to visit some of the wonderful shopping towns that lie in close proximity to Brentwood, such as Oxford Street in London, Chelmsford, Basildon and Romford. Pupils are allowed to visit Brentwood town centre too, with its eclectic mix of shops and restaurants. We truly believe in creating a family environment in the boarding houses and encourage our boarding students to invite friends over for weekend activities such as spa nights, quiz nights and karaoke. We also strongly take into account the boarder’s voice and our boarding girls and boys have the opportunity to feed into the trips we undertake.

A Typical Weekend
8.30amWake up10amLie in this morning
9amBreakfast10.30amLeisurely breakfast in the house with other boarders
9.30amSports fixtures or prep time11.30amBrunch 
11.30amPop into town for some relaxation, shopping and a coffee with cake12noonVisit to London to see the cultural sights, museums, galleries, Tower of London or London eye, sometimes a thrill-filled day at a theme park
1pmLunch6pmDinner - Sunday roast!
1.30pmBoarding trip - local shopping, bowling or a jump park, visit Brentwood or relax in the house6.30pmSocial time in the house, catch up with some prep or revision, plan for the week ahead
6pmDinner - in the dining hall or possibly a trip with other boarders to a restaurant8pmHouse meeting - setting out what is happening next week (all boarders should be back if they have been away for the weekend)
7pmMovie night, spa night or karaoke in the house, alternatively a visit to the cinema or theatre9pm onwardsTime for bed!
9pm onwardsTime for bed!  

Main Boarding Admissions

Apply by 1st December. Interviews and other assessments follow the date of application and are personalised to the student. Early boarding admissions can apply for Brentwood School scholarships.

Offers have a one-month deadline. Please get in touch with Brian Hays at [email protected] if your deadline has passed, to check if there is still a vacancy.

English Entry Requirements

  • Year 9 & 10: equivalent to B1 on Common European Framework
  • Year 11: equivalent to B2 on Common European Framework
  • Lower Sixth: equivalent to B2 on Common European Framework

Decisions and offers by 14th December

Late Boarding Admissions

Apply by 1st March but please get in touch with Brian Hays at [email protected] to check that there is still availability in your chosen year group.

Interviews and other assessments follow the date of application and are personalised to the student. Late boarding admissions can apply for a Boarding Talent Award.

Decisions and offers by 31st March

Chance Places

After 31st March, we anticipate that some year-groups will be full but please contact Brian Hays, International Recruitment Manager at [email protected] if you are looking for a chance place or would like to go onto a waiting list.

Decisions and offers at the point of application

Pre-IB Pathway

We offer a Pre-IB pathway for high-achieving ambitious students, who would like to join us in Year 11. Our Pre-IB pathway is part of a 3-year educational programme, rather than a stand-alone entity.

Click here to find out more.


Brentwood School is located in the town centre and is a stone's throw away from London, the exciting capital of England, steeped in history with its iconic sightseeing spots and attractions, theatres and top restaurants, which are just 23 minutes away.

Brentwood has excellent transport links and access to main airports. With buses, trains and the Elizabeth Line, connecting 40 stations to Heathrow airport, our location is ideal for travel. We also have ample car parking at the School.

Our boarding houses are located within our spacious 75-acre campus, making access to school quick and without the worries of a long journey home.

"Everything is just so easy to get to and participate in - I never have a dull day boarding at Brentwood."

At Brentwood School, we maintain an environment that provides comfort and security as well as a peaceful and friendly atmosphere. Our boarding students benefit hugely from this supportive environment and we ensure that their boarding experience is a happy one. Read more about our boarding student experience here.

Boarding and International Visits

Our Boarding Recruitment Manager, Brian Hays attends a variety of fairs and expos around the world to meet prospective families and students to discuss boarding admission at Brentwood School.

If you would like to arrange a meeting with Brian or if you have any questions about boarding or need help during the boarding admissions process, please get in touch with him using the details below.

Mr Brian Hays

Boarding Recruitment Manager

Telephone: +44 (0)1277 243273
Email: [email protected]

Admissions Team,
Brentwood School,
Middleton Hall Lane,
Essex CM15 8EE

Apply for Boarding

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