

The founders of our school envisaged the provision of education to worthy children, and there has been a long tradition here of supporting families who otherwise could not access a Brentwood School education.

The children of judges and those of mechanics and tradesmen should mix on equal terms.

Dr Edwin Bean (Headmaster 1891-1914)

The Brentwood School Foundation is all about the amazing impact it has on our bursary award students. From the near-immediate change it makes to their life, to the ongoing difference it makes in every personal or professional relationship they make beyond school.

It is this exponential impact of great education and social mobility that makes bursaries so important. Hearing the stories of our bursary award students reminds us all why we work together to ensure talented children from modest backgrounds have a route to access our wonderful institution.

Donate Now

Since the demise of Direct Grant and Assisted Places schemes, the school has built upon and maintained the values of our founders and predecessors by providing numerous Bursaries, transforming the lives of many (now) Old Brentwoods.

The results have been, and continue to be, both astounding and rewarding. But we want to do more. Each year, several talented students are turned away and we want to make a Brentwood School education available to more bright and deserving children.

The Foundation whose Mission Statement is “to enrich and benefit the School by ensuring that no successful applicant in the Brentwood School Entrance Examination is prevented by financial reasons from taking up a place” aims to extend the tradition even further by funding an increasing number of bursary places.

Foundation Booklet

The result of the Foundation’s work to date, building on the school’s proud history, is evidenced by our first Foundation-funded bursary student, Sila, who joined Brentwood in September 2020. You can read her story here.

Our legacy - helped and funded by our supporters' donations and legacies - will be to leave the Foundation in a stronger position for our successors than when we started. 

In 2022, the School launched a 1622 Bursary initiative to coincide with our celebrations of the 400th anniversary of the school statutes, asking groups of 13 generous donors to pledge £1,622 for a minimum of two years to fully fund a talented Sixth Form student. We are delighted to be able to fund one place already, with an offer made and accepted! If you'd like to contribute towards the next one, please get in touch.

We ask you to consider making either a single donation or an ongoing monthly gift, and there are many ways to donate. Please fill in the form below if you would like to give a one-off or regular donation. You can also find out about leaving a Legacy below.

Ways to Donate

There are several ways in which you can support the Foundation.

Donations are usually unrestricted, allowing the Foundation to support current priorities; however, we will always try to meet a donor’s wishes if they have a specific area of interest in the school.

Single Gifts

Gifts may be made in these ways:

  • BACS Direct Credit
  • Cheque
  • Debit or Credit Card
  • Legacy

Regular Donations 

Donations may be made in these ways:

  • Set up a standing order using your mobile banking facility
  • Complete a standing order form and send to us. We will send to your bank

Payment Options

BACS Direct Credit 
NatWest: Account Name - Brentwood School CIO; Number - 20622597
Sort Code – 600325; IBAN: GB07NWBK 600325 20622597; Swift/BIC: NWBKGB2L
Please use the reference: “BSF – [Your Surname]” and advise the Development Office of your donation.
Please make payable to Brentwood School and send to the Development Office
Debit/Credit Card
Donate Securely here
International Payments
Please click here to make a donation from abroad via our Brentwood School Flywire Portal.
Bankers Order
Please use your banking app or online/telephone banking to set up a regular payment (account details as above) or complete the form below. Please post to the Development Office; we will send to your bank.

If you wish for your donation to remain anonymous please let the Development office know.
For security and audit purposes we don't take physical cash donations.

Donation Form

Leave a Legacy

We recognise that supporters, particularly Old Brentwoods feel that they would like to give something back to the School and that this isn't always easy during one's lifetime. Leaving a legacy to Brentwood School is a way of supporting the School in your will after you've left us. Legacies are usually unrestricted gifts, allowing the Foundation to support current priorities; however, we will always try to meet a donor’s wishes if they have a specific area of interest in the school. Bursaries are the current priority.

The 1557 Society has been established as a means by which we can thank, during their lifetime, those who have left a gift in their will to the Foundation. By confirming to the Development Office that you have made a bequest to the School, you will automatically become a member of The 1557 Society. Members will receive a specially designed gift bearing the logo, which is taken from the marble plaque in School House dedicated to OB John Cooper Quennell. Members may also receive invitations to School and Foundation events.

A gift in your will can be a simple and tax-efficient way of making a significant donation to the Foundation that is unaffordable during one’s lifetime. Any such gift to a registered charity (of which the school is one) made in your will is exempt from Inheritance Tax and allows many people to make a meaningful contribution to future generations of Brentwood pupils. Making a bequest is simple: it can be included in a new will or added as a Codicil to an existing will.

You may also find useful information at

We understand that leaving a legacy is a private matter but if you feel able to inform us of your intention this will help the School plan for the future.

Legacy Booklet

The booklet contains a form to fill in to submit your intention to include a legacy to Brentwood School in your will. It is important that you seek legal advice before you decide to include a legacy in your will, or to add a codicil to an existing will, to ensure your interests are protected and your wishes recorded accurately.

The form is merely a statement of intention and doesn't legally commit you. The form will be treated in the strictest confidence, and if you wish to remain anonymous please let us know.

For further information, please contact the Development Office:

Tel: 01277 240451
Email: [email protected]

Your support will help us provide financial assistance to enable talented and gifted students to come to or remain at Brentwood through means-tested bursaries, and whatever the size or type of your gift, it will make a real difference.

We never really knew, or bothered, or cared a fig, for anybody's social background. The school transcended all that. Above all, I suppose, we made friends. If you believe like me that getting bright children into that culture is important then the Bursary scheme needs your support.

Griff Rhys Jones, OB 1965-1971

If you would like to support the Brentwood School Foundation, please complete our donation form and post it back to us, even if you have made a BACS or Card payment.

Contact Us

Mr Sam Mason
[email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)1277 243329

Development Office
Brentwood School,
Middleton Hall Lane,
Brentwood, Essex,
CM15 8EE

FR, registered with Fundraising Regulator

Registered Charity Number - 1153605

Brentwood Stories