
Reports & Policies

Independent Schools Inspectorate Reports

Compliance Inspection Report 2022 Compliance Inspection Report 2022
Compliance and Educational Quality Report 2019 Compliance and Educational Quality Report 2019

Policies & Downloads

Our School values, ‘Virtue, Learning and Manners’, are a cornerstone of the School’s philosophy and we aim to ensure that each individual pupil is safe and valued in an inclusive community.

We have many policies to ensure the best possible care of children and adults at Brentwood School.

Our key policies and documents are available for you to view below. Please click on the links in the table to access each document.

PoliciesPreparatorySenior, Sixth Form & Boarding
Academic Enrichment PolicyDownload | PDF (204KB)
Academic Integrity PolicyDownload PDF(151KB)
Accessibility PlanDownload | PDF (194KB)
Administration of Medicines ProtocolDownload | PDF (241KB)
Admissions PolicyDownload | PDF (190KB)
Allergy Management PolicyDownload | PDF (283KB)
Anti-Bullying PolicyDownload | PDF (229KB)
Assessment PolicyDownload | PDF (148KB)
Attendance PolicyDownload | PDF (192KB)
Behaviour PolicyDownload | PDF (726KB)
Bursary PolicyDownload | PDF (189KB)
Collective Worship PolicyDownload | PDF (82KB)
Cookie PolicyLink | Terms & Privacy
Commercial Sponsorship PolicyDownload | PDF (185KB)
Complaints ProcedureDownload | PDF (223KB)
Curriculum PolicyDownload | PDF (307KB)
Data Protection Privacy Notice for Pupils, Parents, Guardians and AlumniDownload | PDF (217KB)
Drugs and Alcohol PolicyDownload | PDF (195KB)
Environmental Sustainability StatementDownload | PDF (142KB)
Equal Opportunities PolicyDownload | PDF (174KB)
First Aid PolicyDownload | PDF (348KB)
Health & Safety PolicyDownload | PDF (392KB)
iPad Student Acceptable User AgreementDownload | PDF (275KB)
Languages PolicyDownload | PDF (296KB)
Modern Slavery StatementDownload | PDF (128KB)
Network Acceptable Use PolicyDownload | PDF (178KB)
Progression PolicyDownload | PDF (143KB)
Recruitment of VolunteersDownload | PDF (173KB)
Recruitment, Selection & Disclosures PolicyDownload | PDF (211KB)
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) PolicyDownload | PDF (137KB)
Risk Assessment PolicyDownload | PDF (141KB)
Safeguarding PolicyDownload | PDF (1.6MB)
Special Educational Needs & Disabilities PolicyDownload | PDF (272KB)
Teaching & LearningDownload | PDF (185KB)
Trips & Visits PolicyDownload | PDF (205KB)

If you prefer to receive a paper version of a policy, require a copy in large print or other accessible format, please contact us.

Brentwood Stories