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High-Flying Students Bound for Oxbridge and Beyond

Brentwood School is delighted that four students have received offers from Oxford or Cambridge Universities.

Offers are also coming in for the 8 students who have applied to study Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science (MDV) subjects while other students have been offered places at prestigious institutions such as the University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz and the Wilkes’ Academy of Performing Arts for Musical Theatre.

The four students holding Oxbridge offers are: Henry O’Hara, Medicine and Surgery, Wadham College, Oxford; Benjamin O’Riordan, History, St John’s College, Cambridge; Abigail Rice, Economics, Queens’ College, Cambridge, and Jacob Stephen, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Mr Tim Sellers, Director of Sixth Form, said:

“The School has supported 182 post Sixth Form applications this year, primarily through UCAS. This consists of 172 current students and 10 former students.”

“We have supported 8 students with MDV applications and these students are currently interviewing at a range of universities, with offers being held from Oxford, St George’s and Surrey. The most popular university choices this year have been Nottingham, Exeter and Loughborough, and almost half of our applicants hold offers from at least four of their five choices.”

“Six students are applying to international universities, ranging from the US, to Europe, Hong Kong and Australia all of which are still in the application process.”

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