Musical in a Day!
Brentwood School’s Performing Arts Department marked the end of term by producing a Musical in a Day!
In just 24 hours, a team of Lower Sixth creatives project managed a production of High School Musical, putting a cast of 80 plus students, from Year 9 through to Upper Sixth, through their paces.
The 24-hour challenge raised nearly £4000 for Compass Collective, a charity focused on using Arts education to help with the integration of young refugees and asylum seekers.
Mr Cooper, Director of Performing Arts and Music said:
“Once again the Performing Arts students of Brentwood surpassed all expectations as they put on a full musical production in 24 hours – it was quite astonishing to witness the teamwork, camaraderie, artistic integrity and fun on display and the resultant performance was truly astonishing. Perhaps the most impressive and inspiring element of this project was that all the creative roles were undertaken by a team of L6th students, who demonstrated maturity, leadership and commitment well beyond their young years – we were so delighted to end our year, following over 100 public performances, with this truly special event and raising money for a wonderful charity.”
Mrs Hermosa, Head of Drama said: “What an outstanding 24 hours with an outstanding group of students! To witness a group of nearly 100 pupils, some of whom have been involved in every performance this year and some whom have never been involved before, pull the entire production together was phenomenal!”
“From those on stage to those who designed and built it, the atmosphere was that of pure excitement and they thoroughly deserved their standing ovation at the end of the performance.”
You can view more photographs from this fantastic event here.