
The Prep Curriculum

Our Foundation provision is the start of your child's Brentwood journey and helps lay important foundations for future learning.

Our Foundation classrooms are incredible spaces for pupils and staff, with interactive whiteboards, toys to learn as they play and communal outdoor spaces including a playground exclusively for Foundation. A mix of adult-led ‘table time’ activities and child-led ‘free play’ activities allow for guided and independent learning, with a gradual progression in preparation for Reception. 

Every Year Group in our Prep School has teachers who combine expertise in their field with a love of their subject, so lessons are full of energy and depth.

With an average class size of 20, staff are able to pay close attention to the development of each child and adapt what they deliver to an individual’s needs. Children who are particularly able in a subject are challenged to go further with their skills and ideas, and those who might be finding something harder to understand are given focused help.

Our state-of-the-art facilities provide incredible spaces for specialist teaching. For example, our new North Prep building is home to subjects including Art, Food & Nutrition, Science, Music and Technology. You can take a look around some of our North Prep classrooms in the video below.

Our Futures Room is equipped with a green screen and lighting rig and is perfect for projects such as building robots, recording and editing videos and podcasts, and pupils can even use our new VR headsets! Watch our video below to find out how we are embracing technology in learning.

Our classroom learning is regularly enhanced with trips and visits around this country and abroad. Our new Outdoor Classroom also provides a space with the ability for overlapping learning with being outdoors. 

Our PE and Games core-curriculum offers a wide range of sporting opportunities and our excellent facilities help us deliver a strong sports programme. Our 75-acre site features many football, rugby, cricket and hockey pitches, as well as tennis and netball courts. We also make use of the excellent facilities at our Sports Centre, including the 25m indoor swimming pool, a special learner pool for younger swimmers, sports hall, fencing salle and squash courts. The School’s all-weather floodlit pitch and athletics track are also used regularly.

We study all the National Curriculum subjects including Latin. Spanish is taught from Year 3 upwards. French is taught up until Year 4, and Chinese is taught in Years 5 and 6. As they move up the School, our pupils are given tasks that require more independent study and research. We cultivate a sound work ethic in preparation for Senior School.

KS1 Academic Prospectus

KS2 Academic Prospectus

Our pupils achieve excellent results in their academic work. We find that teachers’ high expectations are met with pupils’ enthusiasm. Brentwood pupils are consistently at the top of the field for the National Curriculum tests at age 11, and a large proportion achieve scholarships at the same age.

"My child is very happy at Brentwood Prep School. Since starting, she has become a confident girl. She enjoys all the opportunities that the school gives her, making her grow in all aspects of her life."

Prep Parent

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