

This programme aims to help our students develop social skills, communication skills and raises confidence levels by providing information relevant to their needs in today's society.

The holistic ethos of Brentwood School recognises that students are not just intellects to be brought to their full potential: they are also young people who face dilemmas in all aspects of their lives. Our exciting Life Skills programme aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives.

What if:

  • Students left school without knowing how to earn or manage money?
  • Students left school without understanding the role they play as a citizen of our country?
  • Students left school without knowing how to cope at university?

Through discussion, drama, speakers, workshops and multimedia presentations, students have the opportunity to make the choices necessary to confront challenges and changes in life and to respond effectively to these important questions.

Wellbeing Dogs

There is increasing research into the beneficial effects of working with animals from the perspective of positive mental health.

A group of Lower Sixth students felt that student wellbeing would be augmented by having a wellbeing dog at Brentwood School. The proposal was then researched, risk-assessed and all the practicalities discussed before it was ratified by our Health and Safety Committee.

We have four wellbeing dogs at the Senior School and three at the Prep School.

Meet our Senior School Wellbeing Dogs

The cognitive, emotional, and physical benefits of wellbeing dogs are numerous for students, as they have been found as a source of comfort and relaxation away from the usual school backdrop.

No one person has to see the wellbeing dogs, and of course, not all people are comfortable with them, and as such parents have been invited to fill out a form to indicate their preferences regarding contact.

Pastoral Care

Our Wellbeing Programme supports the pastoral system and strengthens School aims, especially regarding relationships within the School community.

How it works

Each year group has a two-hour session each half term.

Mental Health

At Brentwood School, we have a team of Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAiders®) that help access different types of support and act as a point of contact if someone is concerned about or is experiencing poor mental health or emotional distress. They are not therapists or psychiatrists but can give the initial support and signpost to the appropriate help if required.

Parents' Roles

The Wellbeing programme aims to support parents and guardians in their responsibility of preparing young people for the future. Details of each year group programme are issued regularly and materials or information on specific topics are available on request.

Forums for parents are held termly to address particular areas that cause concern; the opportunity to ask questions of specialists is offered at these. They are intended to be informative and convivial while providing the support growing teenagers need in the 21st Century.

    Brentwood Stories